Brûlée donuts over the campfire

Want to transform plain glazed donuts into amazing, sophisticated treats? Simply, brûlée your donuts over the fire next time you go up the canyon, roast over your fire-pit, or go on a camping trip. This is extremely easy to do with plain glazed donuts. The sugar on the outside will bubble and crystallize over the flames, leaving a hardened shell on the outside and warm dough on the inside.
  1. Grab some glazed donuts (even day-old donuts will do) and some roasting sticks
  2. Flames are ok to cook over (it’s not needed to wait for coals like roasting marshmallows)
  3. Roast on the sticks, turning slowly to not burn any one area
  4. Let the exterior sugar bubble and brown
  5. Remove from the fire and cool for a minute
  6. Take a bit into the crunchy shell and enjoy the soft, warm dough!
Summers are for making fun outdoor memories and this can be one of them! Tag me (@DonutCritic on Instagram) in any of your dessert posts or if you see a fun idea from someone else! I’m always looking to try something new – even when it doesn’t involve donuts!
Donuts from Judy’s Donuts
bite_out_of_brulee_donut bite_out_of_bruleed_doughnut brulee_doughtnut bruleed_donut Donut_on_roasting_stick donut_roasting_over_campfire man_roasting_donut