The Donut 10 Commandments

The Donut 10 Commandments

Or 10 DOUGHmmandments. What donut laws are we held to be good stewards of the glazed goodness we’ve been given? See below for the 10 Commandments. I live by all of them… but see below on my commentary and circumstances when these are really applicable.


10 DOUGHmmandments

  1. Thou shalt have no other desserts before donuts.
  2. Thou shalt not make any graven images besides golden glazed donuts.
  3. Thou shalt not waste any donuts.
  4. Remember to thy donut day on Saturday holy.
  5. Honor the ma and pa donut shops.
  6. Thou shalt not kill for donuts.
  7. Thou shalt not hide the donuts from your significant other.
  8. Thou shalt not steal donuts.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness about crappy donuts.
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s donuts.


10 Donut Commandments commentary from a Donut Critic:

  1. Thou shalt have no other desserts before donuts.
    1. Donut Critic take: Donuts are the #1 dessert out there. No debates. You can have a donut at any point in the day and they are so versatile. They can be savory or sweet. If you don’t like donuts then you’re visiting the wrong shop.
  2. Thou shalt not make any graven images besides golden glazed donuts.
    1. Donut Critic take: If you’re going to worship anything then glazed donuts are allowed. Everyone is going to be happy if you worship donuts enough to bring them and share them.
  3. Thou shalt not waste any donuts.
    1. Donut Critic take: Don’t waste the goodness of donuts! If you can’t finish your dozen then share them with others… and make more friends as you go.
  4. Remember to thy donut day on Saturday holy.
    1. Donut Critic take: Ok – maybe Saturday is not your favorite day for donuts. Pick your day and keep it holy. My favorite day for donuts is Monday! Start the week off right.
  5. Honor the ma and pa donut shops.
    1. Donut Critic take: I agree to always focus on the small business shops. Ma and pa shops always put a ton of love into their donut making and it shows in many situations. I go to chain donut restaurants too but I love the little shops!
  6. Thou shalt not kill for donuts.
    1. Donut Critic take: This should be the easiest one to understand and live by. Be kind and don’t obtain your donuts in a bad way.
  7. Thou shalt not hide the donuts from your significant other.
    1. Donut Critic take: This one has consequences that stretch far and wide if violated. Make sure to share with your significant other or partner. Donuts are always more delicious when eaten with loved ones.
  8. Thou shalt not steal donuts.
    1. Donut Critic take: Besides actually stealing donuts, there are ways you can “steal” a donut experience. For example, don’t take the first and last donut from a work setting. Don’t always choose the donut you know everyone wants. Share.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness about crappy donuts.
    1. Donut Critic take: I live and die by this rule because I hate when I am recommended donuts that don’t deliver. I know we all have different tastes, different level of experiences with donuts, and different access to donuts…. But make sure you recommend the best. And if the shop only has one good donut and the rest are mediocre, then make sure to make that clear!
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s donuts.
    1. Donut Critic take: I break this rule probably daily… I see donuts posted on my friends’ social sites and I covet those donuts. I get so envious when someone else is eating something delicious.

What donut laws and rules are missing?

10 DOUGHmmandments

Do you live by the 10 Donut Commandments?